FIFA, 15 Jun (Xinhua) recently, many fund companies' products have ended their fundraising ahead of schedule, and since June, five funds have "closed their doors" ahead of time. In addition, equity-based products raised in advance also speed up the pace of building positions. Li Zhaoting, a hummingbird researcher at Yingmi Fund, believes that in the past, the fund raised in advance may be sought after by the market, and the amount of capital will soon reach a certain extent. Combined with the current downturn of the fund issuance market and the background of the number of effective subscribers raised, this is more like the spontaneous choice of fund companies or fund managers to end the offering ahead of time. Some people in the industry believe that this phenomenon indicates that the market has reached the bottom, the location of the target has been more attractive, fund managers can raise in advance to grab a better price at the low level. (Yi Cai)