Russia says Ukrainian operation is blocked. Ukraine says Bakhmut fighting continues.

[Russia says action in Ukraine is blocked, Ukraine says fighting in Bakhmut continues] the Russian Defense Ministry released a statement by Russian Defense Minister Shoigu on the 8th. The statement said that in the early morning of the same day, the Ukrainian army tried to break through the Russian defense line in the direction of Zaporoge. The high-density minefield blocked the Ukrainian column, and the Russian army used artillery, aircraft and anti-tank weapons to carry out preventive attacks on the Ukrainian army. The Ukrainian army was blocked, lost dozens of tanks and armored vehicles, and was eventually forced to retreat. The General staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces issued a war report on the 8th, saying that in the past 24 hours, dozens of battles have taken place between the Ukrainian armed forces and Russian troops in the directions of Red Lehman, Bakhmut (Russian known as Archomovsk) and Makarin. Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Mariar said on the same day that the Ukrainian army's fighting in the direction of Bakhmut continued, and the Russian army tried to continue the attack but did not succeed.