Chinese and US diplomats hold talks in Beijing and China clarifies its solemn position on major principled issues such as Taiwan.

[Chinese and US diplomats hold talks in Beijing the Chinese side clarifies its solemn position on Taiwan and other major principled issues] on 5 June, Kanda, Assistant Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific Affairs of the US State Department, and Bessalan, Senior Director of China Affairs of the White House National Security Council, visited China. Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu met, and Yang Tao, director of the US Department of Foreign Affairs, held talks. The two sides conducted frank, constructive and fruitful communication on promoting the improvement of Sino-US relations and properly managing differences in accordance with the consensus reached by the two heads of state at the Bali meeting in November last year. The Chinese side has expounded its solemn position on Taiwan and other major issues of principle. The two sides agreed to continue to communicate.