Some investors have abnormal trading behavior in the process of trading Hangzhou thermal power. The Shanghai Stock Exchange has taken strict regulatory measures against relevant investors in accordance with the rules.

[some investors have abnormal trading behavior in the process of trading Hangzhou thermal power. The Shanghai Stock Exchange has taken strict regulatory measures on relevant investors in accordance with the rules.] according to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Hangzhou Thermal Power (605011) has recently experienced serious abnormal fluctuations, and the company has issued a risk warning announcement, reminding the broad masses of investors to invest cautiously and pay attention to investment risks. Recently, the share price of the stock continues to fluctuate sharply, and some investors have abnormal trading behaviors that affect the normal trading order of the market and mislead investors in the course of trading the stock. The Shanghai Stock Exchange has taken strict regulatory measures on relevant investors in accordance with the rules. The Shanghai Stock Exchange once again reminds investors to pay attention to risks and prudently participate in compliance trading.