[Shanghai Stock Exchange: suspension of account trading for investors related to delisting Furen and delisting future abnormal trading] the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued a notice on delisting Furen and delisting future stock abnormal trading. Delisting Furen (600781) and delisting Future (600532) shares have entered a delisting finishing period and will be terminated upon expiration. The company has issued a risk warning notice in the early stage, calling on the majority of investors to invest cautiously and pay attention to the investment risk. Recently, the share prices of the above stocks have fluctuated sharply, and individual investors have abnormal trading behaviors that affect the normal trading order of the market and mislead small and medium-sized investors in their trading decisions. In accordance with the regulations, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has taken regulatory measures to suspend account trading for relevant investors. The Shanghai Stock Exchange once again reminds investors to pay attention to risk and comply with trading.