The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission has issued a summary of the consultation on the position limit system to implement the relevant legislative amendments in December.

[Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission issues consultation summary plan on position limit system to implement relevant legislative amendments in December] the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission issued a consultation summary on the proposed revision of the position limit system in the derivatives market after further consultation by the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission. This includes imposing responsibilities on the asset managers of the sub-funds managing the fund or umbrella sub-fund, and amending the Securities and Futures (contract limits and reportable positions) rules in the light of the HKEx's proposal to improve its position limit system. After taking into account the views of the market, the SFC will implement the proposed amendments to make a clearer distinction between the regulatory requirements relating to the Fund and facilitate industry compliance, and to increase the position limits for certain products so as to provide greater flexibility to the market. Subject to the progress of the legislative process, the SFC plans to implement the relevant legislative amendments in December 2023.