Online car-hailing capacity is saturated and the daily average number of orders is less than 10.

Xinhua News Agency, June 5, Changsha Transportation Wechat official account said that since May 16, the city has suspended the acceptance of new business of online ride-hailing transport permits, and the previously accepted ones will be handled in accordance with the normal process. Earlier, Sanya issued an official WeChat message that since May 5, the acceptance of online ride-hailing business permits and transport license issuance will be suspended, and the accepted business will be handled in accordance with the normal process. According to China Newsweek, Dongguan, Wenzhou, Jinan, Suining and other places have issued early warning of ride-hailing saturation, reminding local ride-hailing bikes to take less than 10 bikes a day. The Economic Observer concluded that since 2022, more than a dozen cities have issued warnings that the demand for online ride-hailing is close to saturation, and it is recommended that careful consideration be given to joining the industry. Since 2023, four cities have issued saturation warnings.