Shenzhen Stock Exchange: shares of Zhuhai Hejia Medical equipment Co., Ltd. are terminated.

[Shenzhen Stock Exchange: termination of listing of Zhuhai Hejia Medical equipment Co., Ltd.] on June 5, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange announced that Zhuhai Hejia Medical equipment Co., Ltd. issued an audit report that could not express its opinion because of the 2021 financial and accounting report, and the company's stock trading was warned of the risk of delisting by our company on May 5, 2022. On April 29, 2023, the company disclosed its first fiscal year report after the implementation of the delisting risk warning, and the company's financial and accounting report for 2022 was issued by Asia-Pacific (Group) Accounting firm (Special General Partnership) with an audit report that could not express its opinion. It touches upon the termination of the listing of stocks as stipulated in paragraph 3, paragraph 1, of Rule 10.3.10 of the gem listing rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (revised in 2023). The Shenzhen Stock Exchange decided to terminate the listing of the company's shares. The company's shares have entered the delisting period since June 13, 2023, and the stock exchange shall delist the company's shares on the next trading day when the delisting period expires.