[Indonesian Defense Minister TiRussian-Ukrainian conflict resolution includes ceasefire in the current position, establishment of a "demilitarized zone", etc.] June 3, Indonesian Defense Minister Subianto attended the 20th Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on the 3rd, put forward a "peace plan" to resolve the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the main contents include: the parties to the conflict cease fire in the current position The parties to the conflict have retreated 15 kilometres from their current positions to establish a "demilitarized zone" and the "demilitarized zone" is observed and monitored by peacekeeping forces deployed by the United Nations; the United Nations should organize a referendum in the "disputed area" to objectively confirm the will of the majority of the local population. Indonesia is ready to participate in all these processes including the deployment of its own troops within the framework of United Nations peacekeeping operations. (world wide Web)