National Climate Center: the warm and dry climate this spring obviously predicts that there may be periodic high temperature heat waves in East China, Central China, Xinjiang and other places this summer.

[national Climate Center: the warm and dry climate in spring is obviously expected to have periodic high temperature heat waves in East China, Central China, Xinjiang and other places this summer]. The National Climate Center posted on its official Wechat account today that in the spring of 2023, the national average temperature was generally on the high side, the seventh highest in history, but the intra-seasonal temperature fluctuated obviously. The precipitation in China is generally less, which is the least in the same period since 2012, with large spatial differences, more precipitation in the eastern part of North China and Northwest China, and less precipitation in Southwest, South China and Northeast China. The daily maximum temperature of 184 national weather stations reached the standard of extreme events, of which 77 stations reached or exceeded the historical extreme value, the daily precipitation of 31 stations exceeded the spring historical maximum, and 3 stations such as Shaowu in Fujian broke through the historical extreme value. The onset of flood in South China and the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon are relatively early; in spring, 10 rainstorms occurred in China, including 3 severe rainstorms; severe continuous drought in winter and spring occurred in Yunnan this year, which was disadvantageous to the growth of spring crops; a total of 12 strong convective weather occurred in spring, and 13 sand and dust weather processes affected China, more than in the same period from 2000 to 2022.