[multiple indicators suggest that A shares enter the bottom of the regional institutions predict the follow-up incremental funds are expected] FIFA News Agency, June 2, the investment performance-to-price ratio of equity assets is once again highlighted. The data show that at present, the relative return on stocks and bonds has been at an all-time high level, indicating that the stock market has a higher potential investment value compared with the bond market. Although northward funds have shown a net outflow recently, according to the analysis of securities firms, while the foreign trading plate leaves the market, the allocation plate representing long-term funds is still steadily increasing. Industry insiders believe that the game pattern of stock funds in the A-share market is expected to gradually evolve into an incremental capital pattern in the future. Hengyue Fund said that multiple indicators indicate that A shares have entered the bottom area. From the valuation point of view, the current price-to-earnings ratio of the Wande whole An index is 17.74 times, which is 26.58% in the past three years, and has been lower than the historical median level for a long time. From the perspective of equity and debt risk premium, the current relative rate of return on stocks and bonds tends to be at an all-time high, indicating that the stock market has higher potential investment value than the bond market. (Shanghai Stock Exchange News)