There is little doubt that the US Senate has passed the debt ceiling bill. The key is whether it is fast enough.

(FAP, June 2)-the US Senate is preparing to take over the debt ceiling bill passed by the House of Representatives on Thursday, although the default date is approaching, but some senators have threatened to postpone the vote. Senate Majority Leader Schumer officially launched a process to put voting action on the Senate agenda to prevent procrastination tactics by opponents. It is considered that there is no suspense for the Senate to vote to pass the bill, and the only question is timing. John Thune, the No. 2 Republican in the Senate, told reporters on Thursday that efforts would be made to "reduce the number of amendments to a manageable level." "the vote may take place tomorrow," Thune said before noon. According to Senate rules, any member can ask for a postponement of the final vote. To avoid this, party leaders are negotiating with dissidents.