IEA: China will contribute 55% of global renewable energy growth capacity this year and next

[international Energy Agency: China will contribute 55% of global renewable energy production capacity this year and next] the International Energy Agency released the Renewable Energy Market Outlook for June 2023. In the report, the International Energy Agency said that global renewable energy capacity will accelerate in 2023 and is expected to grow by about 1/3 year-on-year, with the largest increase in solar photovoltaic and wind energy. China will consolidate its leading position, accounting for about 55% of global renewable energy growth capacity in 2023 and 2024. The International Energy Agency predicts that the growth trend of global renewable energy capacity will continue in 2024, and global renewable energy capacity will rise to 4500 gigawatts (GW), about equal to the current capacity of China and the United States combined.