Severe convection warning continues thunderstorm, gale or hail in parts of Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong

[severe convection warning continues thunderstorm gale or hail in parts of Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi and Guangdong] April 22, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a blue warning of severe convective weather at 06:00 on the 22nd: it is expected that from 08:00 to 08:00 on April 22nd, there will be 8-9 thunderstorms and gales or hail weather in parts of central and western Guizhou, southeastern Yunnan, eastern and northwest Guangxi and southwestern Guangdong. Local thunderstorm gale can reach more than 10 There will be short-term heavy precipitation in southern Hunan, southern Jiangxi, western and southeastern Guizhou, southeastern Yunnan, eastern and northwestern Guangxi, southwestern and central Guangdong, and northern Hainan Island. The hourly rainfall is 20-40 mm. The local area can reach more than 60 mm. It is expected that the main influence period of severe convection is from day to night today.