Wang Jianjun, Vice Chairman of the Securities Regulatory Commission: the Association of listed companies should explore to carry out independent director performance evaluation and speed up the construction of independent director information database.

[Wang Jianjun, vice chairman of the CSRC: the Association of listed companies should explore the work of evaluating the performance of independent directors and speed up the construction of independent director information database]. The annual meeting of the Association of China listed companies (Council) and the 2023 Summit of Chinese listed companies was held in Beijing. Wang Jianjun, vice chairman of the CSRC, stressed that self-regulatory organizations have made great achievements in improving the quality of listed companies. In the next step, the association of listed companies should conscientiously implement the opinions on the Reform of the Independent Director system of listed companies, explore and carry out the evaluation of the performance of independent directors, speed up the construction of the information database of independent directors, build a comprehensive training platform, organize listed companies to learn from each other and build together, persevere in telling stories of listed companies, and provide quality services for listed companies.