Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China will take measures to prevent and stop all kinds of cyber attacks that endanger the security of critical infrastructure

[Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China will take measures to prevent and stop all kinds of cyber attacks that endanger the security of critical infrastructure] 26 May, Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning held a regular press conference on 26 May. A reporter raised a question on the issue of cyber attacks against China by the US intelligence community. Spokesman Mao Ning said:'we have taken note of the relevant reports that protecting the safety of critical infrastructure is a common concern of all countries.After the deliberate destruction of the Beixi natural gas pipeline, the murderer is still at large. Compared with physical means, responding to cyber attacks and destroying critical infrastructure is more challenging for all countries. We note with concern that the United States National Security Agency, the United States Cyber Army Command, announced last year that critical infrastructure in other countries is the legitimate target of cyber attacks in the United States. this irresponsible policy puts critical global infrastructure at great risk, significantly increasing the possibility of creating the Northstream incident in the network field. Since last year, China's cyber security agencies have issued reports one after another, exposing the US government's long-standing cyber attacks on China's critical infrastructure, and China will continue to take necessary measures to prevent and stop all kinds of cyber attacks that endanger the security of China's critical infrastructure.