Shanghai Disneyland ticket price adjustment from June 23: 475 yuan on regular day and 719 yuan on peak day

[Shanghai Disneyland from June 23 ticket price adjustment: regular day 475 yuan peak day 719 yuan] May 25, starting from June 23, 2023, the Shanghai Disneyland Resort will adjust the ticket price of Shanghai Disneyland under the current four-tier fare structure. The definition and corresponding ticket prices are as follows: the ticket price for "regular day" is 475 yuan, covering most weekdays and some weekends. The ticket price for "Special regular Day" is 599 yuan, covering some weekends and some weekdays, and the ticket price for "peak day" is 719 yuan. covers most of the summer days, some Chinese statutory holidays and rest periods, as well as some dates before and after international festivals, park special events and other peak days of passenger flow. The ticket price for "Special Peak Day" is 799 yuan, covering some of China's statutory holidays and holidays, park special events and some summer days.