[people with a net inflow of medicine-related ETF exceeding 33 billion yuan during the year: at present, the valuation of the pharmaceutical sector is still at a historical bottom] FAP, May 25 (FAP)-- since the beginning of this year, in addition to the top performance of hot theme funds such as TMT and "China Special valuation," some pharmaceutical-themed funds have also performed prominently. As of May 23, clay health stocks had returned nearly 40% for the year, according to the data. Medicine-related ETF "suction" is significant, with a net inflow of more than 33 billion yuan during the year. Public offering insiders said that the valuation of the pharmaceutical sector is still at an all-time low. After the previous adjustment, the position proportion of the agency in the pharmaceutical sector is also low, and there is a larger position to upgrade and increase the allocation space in the future. The improvement of clinical value of in-hospital diagnosis and treatment, the demand of out-of-hospital self-diagnosis and treatment and "AI+ medicine" may bring investment opportunities. (China Securities News)