Cofco Coca-Cola responded to "Channel out of stock": product supply is normal.

(Cofco Coca-Cola responded to "Channel out of stock": product supply is normal)-- Today, media reported that the supply of Coca-Cola products was unstable due to raw material problems. The Youbao unmanned retail channel for Coca-Cola products in the Beijing market has been out of stock for some time. Youbao relevant official said that at present, the entire Beijing area is temporarily out of stock, replaced by Pepsi products, the recovery time is uncertain, whether the outage involves other markets in the country is not clear. On the evening of the 24th, in response to the above news, the relevant head of Cofco Coca-Cola Beijing responded, "all our products are in normal supply, and there is no problem of insufficient supply." Recent armed clashes in Sudan have caused anxiety among carbonated beverage manufacturers around the world, according to CCTV Finance. Because gum Arabic exported from Sudan is a key material for making carbonated drinks, the world's major carbonated beverage producers could be at risk of being cut off within months if gum Arabic exports are disrupted. (Zhongxin longitude and latitude)