[European Nuclear Union draws up "Roadmap" predicts that EU nuclear power capacity will increase to 150 gigawatts by 2050. FIFA, May 17, European "Nuclear Union" member states held a meeting in Paris on the 16th local time to draw up a "road map" for the development of nuclear energy in Europe. According to a press release issued by the French Ministry of Energy Transformation on the same day, on the basis of the continuous and safe operation of existing nuclear power facilities. If the EU builds 30 to 45 large nuclear reactors and develops small modular nuclear reactors, the EU's nuclear power capacity will increase from the current 100 gigawatts to 150 gigawatts by 2050. The communique said that the meeting sent a clear signal of the importance of nuclear power in the European energy strategy, both to strengthen Europe's energy sovereignty, but also to accelerate decarbonization and achieve climate goals.