[national Development and Reform Commission and Standard & Poor's rating Company held a forum to carry out the review of China's sovereign credit rating], according to the Finance Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and S & P rating companies held a forum to carry out the review of China's sovereign credit rating. The meeting was presided over by relevant responsible comrades of the Department of Finance and Finance, and relevant comrades of the General Department, the Department of Investment, the Department of Foreign Investment, the Department of High Technology, the Department of Environmental Resources, the Department of Social Affairs, the Department of economy and Trade, and the Department of Finance and Finance attended the meeting. The participants focused on how the government should deal with the more uncertain external environment, effectively enhance the investment and development of the non-public sector of the economy, implement reforms and policies that promote China's long-term growth potential, and the management of medium-and long-term foreign debt issues. relevant information was introduced on infrastructure and new infrastructure investment, China's energy transformation and other issues.