Severe convective weather blue warning in 9 provinces, autonomous regions and cities, there are 8 to 10 thunderstorms, strong winds or hail.

[severe Convective Weather Blue Alert 9 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have 8 to 10 thunderstorms, gales or hail in some areas] the Central Meteorological Observatory continues to issue a blue warning of severe convective weather at 10:00 on May 16: it is expected to be from 14:00 on May 16 to 14:00 on May 17. Northeastern Hebei and its coastal areas, southern Beijing, Tianjin, central western and northern Liaoning, southeastern Inner Mongolia, east-central Jilin, southeastern Heilongjiang, northern Shanxi, northern and western Hunan, etc. there will be 8-10 thunderstorms and strong winds or hail weather. There will be short-term heavy precipitation in southeastern Heilongjiang, central Jilin, central and western Liaoning, northeastern Hebei, southeastern Beijing, northern Tianjin, southeastern Hubei, eastern Hunan, north-central Jiangxi, eastern Guizhou and northeastern Guangxi. the hourly rainfall is 20-40 mm, and the local area can reach more than 50 mm.