The first day of operation of the northbound swap: the nominal principal of RMB interest rate swaps totaled 8.259 billion yuan.

The first day of operation of the "northbound swap": RMB interest rate swap transactions with a total nominal principal of 8.259 billion yuan. The mainland and Hong Kong interest rate swap market interconnection cooperation was officially launched. The reporter learned that the China Foreign Exchange Trading Center officially launched the "northbound swap" today, providing multi-mechanism, one-stop, efficient and convenient services for domestic and foreign investors to participate in interbank RMB interest rate swaps. On the first day of launch, 20 "northbound swap" quotators and 27 foreign investors reached 162 RMB interest rate swap transactions through the trading center system, with a total nominal principal of 8.259 billion yuan, covering foreign banks, foreign securities firms, overseas asset management products and other types of foreign investors, including Shibor and FR007. (Shanghai Stock Exchange News)