(China Liquor Industry Association: carbon Emission Accounting and Product carbon footprint Evaluation Standard for Liquor-making Enterprises issued as soon as possible this year)-- according to the official WeChat of China Liquor Industry Association, a group standard seminar on "greenhouse Gas Accounting methods and reporting Standards for Liquor-making Enterprises" and "carbon footprint Evaluation Standard for Liquor-making products" was held in Moutai, Guizhou on May 13. The meeting reached a consensus that the standard drafting group will work with relevant technical colleges and experienced enterprises to further develop classic cases of enterprise carbon emission accounting and product carbon footprint evaluation for industry reference, based on the opinions and suggestions of relevant representatives and combined with the reality of liquor-making in China. Two standards were issued as soon as possible this year to provide standard system support for the liquor industry to achieve the double-carbon goal and promote the high-quality development of the liquor industry.