Ministry of Natural Resources: deepening the reform of "multi-examination in one, multi-certificate in one" in planning land

[Ministry of Natural Resources: deepening the Reform of "Multi-examination in one, Multi-certificate in one" in Planning Land use] the Ministry of Natural Resources issued a "Circular on deepening the Reform of" Multi-examination in one and Multi-Certificate in one "in Planning Land. The circular requires that the examination and approval of the overall plan be accelerated. All localities should implement and deepen the reform of "integration of multiple regulations" and the requirements of the National outline of Land and Space Planning (2021-2035), and speed up the examination and approval of the overall planning of land and space at all levels. The lower-level planning should be subordinate to the higher-level planning, and the overall planning should co-ordinate and comprehensively balance the space needs of the relevant special plans. The preparation or revision of detailed planning shall be carried out in a timely manner, and priority shall be given to the preparation of detailed planning in areas where there are requirements for piece-by-piece development, pilot projects for comprehensive regulation of land across the territory, and pilot needs for collective construction land to enter the market. The conversion of agricultural land and land expropriation shall be implemented according to the plan. The conversion of agricultural land and land expropriation of urban land for approval shall comply with the requirements of overall land space planning, detailed planning and land use standards, and clearly define the land planning use and land use types for construction projects in accordance with the guidelines for Land and Space Survey, Planning and use Control Land use Classification.