(economic Daily: beware of the risk of "buying a house with zero down payment")-according to an article in the Economic Daily, financial regulatory departments in many places have recently issued consumer reminders: be careful to guard against the risk of "buying a house with zero down payment" and apply for loans in accordance with the law. Do not "pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelons." Whether buying a house with zero down payment or switching from housing loan to business loan, the essence of the change is illegal arbitrage and use of credit funds. Take "zero down payment" as an example. There is no free lunch. The so-called "zero down payment to buy a house", in fact, illegal intermediary institutions first advance funds for property buyers, and then "package" property buyers into small and micro business owners and self-employed, in this capacity to apply to the bank for operating loans, consumer loans, and other loans, and so on, the buyers will take the loan to repay the advance funds of the intermediary. Property buyers and commercial banks should adhere to the bottom line of legal compliance, financial management departments should step up investigation, and the three should work together to safeguard market order and the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.