[analysis of the daily limit on May 10] Today, a total of 35 shares rose by the daily limit, with a total of 2 shares and 12 shares failed to seal the board, with a closure rate of 74% (excluding St shares, delisted shares and unopened new shares). In terms of individual stocks, media stocks China published 17 days 9 boards, China Television Media 5 days 4 boards, Gravitation Media 3 days 2 boards, automobile plate Jinlong Automobile 4 days 3 boards, PET copper foil concept stocks Baoming Technology 2 boards, Dongwei Science and Technology Science and Technology Innovation Board headboards, Chinese prefix + education Chinese Hi-Tech 2 boards, exhaust management concept stocks Kailong Hi-Tech growth Enterprise Board head, Ike Blue growth Enterprise Board, charging pile plate Yingke gem first board. Today, 2909 stocks rose and 1864 stocks fell.