Six organizations, including Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Association, propose to tackle key domestic components of automotive chips.

[Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Association and other six organizations' proposal: tackling key components of Automotive chips] Finance Union, on May 26th, yesterday, at the 18th Yangtze River Delta (Shanghai) Automotive Electronics Industry chain Summit Forum Jointly with Shanghai Tsinghua International Innovation Center, Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Association, Shanghai Automotive Engineering Society, Shanghai Electronics Society and Zhejiang Magnetic Materials Applied Technology Manufacturing Innovation Center, CLP Convention and Exhibition and Information dissemination Co., Ltd. signed a joint proposal in Shanghai Automotive Core Valley to promote collaborative innovation in the upstream and downstream of the automotive electronics industry chain and establish a reliable and efficient integrated circuit and electronic components supply chain. The signatories to the proposal and their partners will jointly launch a number of "strong chain" measures at the 102nd China Electronics Show to be held in Shanghai in November. (